Special Events
From local to statewide to national special events, CSI/ISI provides a full array of services, whether your project involves 50 people or 5,000.
The North Carolina Business Hall of Fame turned to CSI/ISI for production of audio-visual modules, advertising and marketing, internet website development, staging and on-site direction. The premiere gathering of leading business executives, the North Carolina Business Hall of Fame annual event has doubled in attendance, benefiting Junior Achievement and the North Carolina Citizens for Business & Industry.
When Shell Oil Company implements special events for some of its community relations programs, CSI/ISI handles media relations across the country.
For more information on our services, listed below, contact us:
Audio-visual production
Exhibit Design
Send mail to vinson@solutionscompanies.com with questions or comments about this web site.
The Creative Group of Solutions Companies .  
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